
What is the Safety Folder?

The purpose of a Safety Folder is to demonstrate that a facility, project, or system has been designed respecting safety principles and that it can be constructed, operated, and then dismantled safely while ensuring that appropriate waste handling and disposal measures are applied throughout its lifecycle. It further provides relevant stakeholders (the management, constructors, operators, and authorities) with a quality framework to effectively access the appropriate documentation.

The Safety Folder addresses both occupational health and safety (workers should not be injured or fall ill because of the facility or system. i.e. Sécurité in French) and facility integrity and safety (the presence of the facility should not represent any uncontrolled hazard to people or the environment, i.e. Sûreté in the French nuclear domain). (Ref. EDMS 1177755)

This Safety Folder is an obligation of CERN according to the tripartite agreement published in the French Décret n. 2011-1024 of 24 August 2011. It is stated, in Article 4 and Appendix 2 that:

  • Article 4: Documentation de Sureté et de Protection contre les rayonnements ionisants
    "L’Organisation établit et met à jour la documentation de Sûreté et de Protection contre les rayonnements ionisants mentionnée dans l’Annexe 2".
  • Appendix 2: Pour les Installations en exploitation:
    "l’Organisation maintient à jour la documentation de Sûreté et de Protection contre les rayonnements ionisants existante ci-dessous:
    • Pour toutes les Installations de l’Organisation:
      • les dossiers de Sûreté relatifs à chaque Installation.
      • les Règles CERN associées à l’exploitation de chaque Installation".

(Ref. Legifrance.gouv.fr)

Safety Folder Structure:

safety folder



CMS Safety Folder complete on EDMS.